Sunday, November 1, 2009

Organized Garage

So this weekend turned out to be pretty good even though it started out really crappy. We were planning on going home to Basin, but we got over 20 inches of snow this week, and all roads in and out were closed until late Friday. So instead we decided to get busy, and by busy I mean we cleaned! Today we organized, de-cluttered and down-right cleaned out garage. Most of the time our garage is an absolute disaster, usually I can't even park in it, let alone try to get something done in it. So today we rearranged, reorganized, and even decluttered the house! And it feels amazing! I wish I had taken before pictures, but I didn't so instead, you only get to see the end result.
This is Robbie's wall, he got these flags a long time ago and just can't seem to part with them, so in the garage they go.
Here are the new cabinets, one is designated solely to my crafting supplies, another is solely golf, and the third is a lot of everything. The little one is truly a lifesaver, up until today one whole large shelf in my pantry was designated to liquor ( I know we're a bunch of lushes) however now that one is locked up and is now the liquor cabinet, so I got more room in my pantry. I am so excited!

Here is the other wall. I know three trash cans is a bit ridiculous, but one is for recycling, one is trash, and the other is compost! The box is my sisters dishwasher. When she gets her new kitchen cabinets in, we will be doing a complete renovation of her kitchen, watch for more info on that, as I am sure it will be interesting and so exciting!
Hope everyone had a great weekend. We sure did even though it wasn't exactly what we had planned. It sure was productive!

Look what I did!!

So this weekend I got to do a little bit of crafting, which was great. However at one point I was ironing and I looked over and look what my little girl was doing. I think I just might have a future sewer in my house!Here she is playing with the thread!
Here is my baby playing with the scraps of fabric that she pulled off the table.

And here it is, look what I did! This is a christmas card holder, and it is so easy to make, and just cute as can be. I am making some for family, and can't wait for them all to use them come Christmas time.


Well here is Madison and a co-workers kids. We all showed up at another co-workers house at the same time, so it only seemed appropriate to take a picture of them all together.

Here is Miss Madison right after I got her dressed and her hair done, isn't she so adorable.

Here she is again. Thanks to my mom for making the costume for me. I had good intentions of doing it myself, but time just got away from me, and I just didn't get it done. So thanks grandma, it looks great!