Tuesday, June 24, 2008

What every parent hopes for!

So the other day I was feeding Maddie, and she started holding the bottle, which by the way was great, but then I look down and to my discovery she was flipping her dad off. We both laughed so hard and then decided it was the prime opportunity to take a picture. Now I promise you that she did this on her own, we had no part in this, looks like our little one is headed down the right path, hehe!!
This is just another picture of Maddie playing. She has finally become somewhat interested in toys, so we laid her on her play mat and she just had a heck of a time smiling, talking and playing with the toys.

Here is a picture of Robbie and I and some of his co-workers from a going away party last week. We had a great time!

We have been super busy with lots of going away parties, but we are finally done with all of those. One week from today is going to be a sad day for our family. I go back to work, which is really bumming me out for many reasons, but of course the obvious one, cause that means I have to take my little one to daycare. Also Robbie goes back down to the squadron, but he finally gets to upgrade from Deputy to Commander, it's about dang time. He's been a deputy for 3 years now, which is pretty uncommon, but better late than never. I hope everyone is having a great week!!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Just a thought

So on the 27th of May, I had a breakdown with my baby, she was crying and crying and wouldn't stop for 8 hours. Well about the point that we were both bawling, I said a few choice words, and then all of a sudden I started hearing sirens fairly close to my house. We live in a townhouse so I thought maybe my neighbors heard me in my frusturation and called child-services on me, and they were coming to take my child. I know, what a dork, I came to my senses and realized that was probably not it at all. Well then I headed into our bedroom to calm down a bit, when I heard noises outside, well turns out there was an ambulance and a fire truck right outside out house, I thought they really did come to get me. Well of course they weren't, I looked across the way and the stretcher was sitting outside our neighbors house. This brings me to my real point of the story. I read last night that he had died. He was only 46 and something really hit me about this. He and his fiance were supposed to get married in the fall and he had so much to live for, let alone the nicest guy on our block. I just wanted to tell all of our friends and family, that I love each and everyone of you very much. I know we say it all the time, but it never seems to be enough. I know that each one of you have a lot to live for too, but you never know when it's going to be your time and it can hit you when you are least expecting it to. So in that thought, appreciate everyday and love those closest to you as much as possible!

Happy Father's Day and more Madison

I would like to wish all the Fathers out there a Happy Father's Day! There are so many of you and I hope that you all had a wonderful day. We sure did, we started with church and it was a great service, and another plus Madison slept the whole time. Then we drove over to Laramie to eat some Winger's. After that it's been a lazy day, and we are both completely ok with that.
Robbie with his Baby girl, all dressed up for church!

One month old, and lovin every minute of it!

Madison has gotten so animated this week, I just love it. She has finally found her voice, and she is just jabbering away. She also learned how to smile, and I love it when her big blue eyes are just staring away and then she just gets a big old grin on her face. She is eating like crazy and growing like it too. I do have some good news however, I am sure that this is just a fluke, but my baby girl has slept through the night for the past three nights. She slept for 6 straight hours on Thursday and Friday night, and then last night she slept 7 hours, it was amazing. However I woke up at 4 in the morning having a panic attack cause she hadn't woken up yet, talk about scary, however she was just fine, and decided to stay asleep for another hour after that. Let's all hope that this continues, cause I am sure liking the sleep!

We've been super busy lately, Thursday night I had a wonderful dinner with the spouses group. It was a going away for our Commander's wife and we ate at the Melting Pot in Fort Collins, it was amazing. Then Friday night we headed down to Fort Collins again for a going away for some of our other friends, Sean and Lindsey Lee. This next week is jam packed with going aways, seems like everyone we know are leaving this month. I have to say that this is the worst part of the military life, you make good friends and then they all move away, guess that is just something I will have to get used to.

Well I sure hope you all have a great week, I am hoping to get some good pictures from this weeks activities.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Trip home

Well we got home on Sunday and I have to say it was really a wonderful trip. My cousins wedding was on saturday just outside of Yellowstone and it was snowing! Yup that's right, snowing on the 7th of June, Crazy huh! It was a beautiful wedding and I will post pics from that on another date, as I was not the one taking the pictures, so I don't have any yet. Other than that it was nice to just spend time with family and friends, since it's been a long time since I have been able to do that. However, as always, it feels great to be back home and settled. However it is bittersweet since Robbie is super busy with an inspectrion this week, so I won't be seeing much of him, hopefully we will have some time together on Father's day, but who knows with the AF.

I have included some pics from the trip home, hope you all like them, and let me apologize now, sorry mom, I had to post some of you at some point, you are the grandma now!

My Sister Carrie and I with Maddie all dressed up for Church

Robbie and Maddie, he was trying to rock her to sleep, however, looks like he put himself to sleep long before she went to sleep, but I just had to snap this photo, thought it was too cute not too!

Grandma with her two grand-daughters. Bailey is on the left and Maddie is on the right, this picture is just too cute.

The cutest Cousins ever, Maddie and Bailey

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Nerve

So Sunday night at around 11 pm, I get a call from my husband. A group of people had just stolen our beautiful planters. UGH!! The nerve of some people. These planters were beautiful and my mom had planted all the flowers for me right after I had Madison. We never got a chance to take a picture of them or the finished front yard, but now I guess it will be finished without the flowers! I just can't believe people now a days, don't they have better things to do, or steal for that matter. Thankfully my neighbors saw them and alerted my husband as to what was going on, because I guess they tried to get into our backyard, but thankfully we had that pad-locked. Guess it could've been worse, but still, get a life!

Anyway, I will quit ranting now. I am still at home and loving it. It has been wonderful to just spend some time with family. I will be home on Sunday, and will have lots of pictures and such to post. Hope everyone is doing great!