Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day and more Madison

I would like to wish all the Fathers out there a Happy Father's Day! There are so many of you and I hope that you all had a wonderful day. We sure did, we started with church and it was a great service, and another plus Madison slept the whole time. Then we drove over to Laramie to eat some Winger's. After that it's been a lazy day, and we are both completely ok with that.
Robbie with his Baby girl, all dressed up for church!

One month old, and lovin every minute of it!

Madison has gotten so animated this week, I just love it. She has finally found her voice, and she is just jabbering away. She also learned how to smile, and I love it when her big blue eyes are just staring away and then she just gets a big old grin on her face. She is eating like crazy and growing like it too. I do have some good news however, I am sure that this is just a fluke, but my baby girl has slept through the night for the past three nights. She slept for 6 straight hours on Thursday and Friday night, and then last night she slept 7 hours, it was amazing. However I woke up at 4 in the morning having a panic attack cause she hadn't woken up yet, talk about scary, however she was just fine, and decided to stay asleep for another hour after that. Let's all hope that this continues, cause I am sure liking the sleep!

We've been super busy lately, Thursday night I had a wonderful dinner with the spouses group. It was a going away for our Commander's wife and we ate at the Melting Pot in Fort Collins, it was amazing. Then Friday night we headed down to Fort Collins again for a going away for some of our other friends, Sean and Lindsey Lee. This next week is jam packed with going aways, seems like everyone we know are leaving this month. I have to say that this is the worst part of the military life, you make good friends and then they all move away, guess that is just something I will have to get used to.

Well I sure hope you all have a great week, I am hoping to get some good pictures from this weeks activities.

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