Thursday, October 15, 2009

Another First

Well this is a first that I am definitely not bragging about, but let's face it, it happens to every kid about this age at some point or another. The other night Madison was playing so intently. Needless to say she lost her balance and even though I was sitting right there, I couldn't stop it. She smacked the coffee table so hard! At first I thought she hit her nose and thought there would be blood everywhere, but when I picked her up she had a big old bump, and a little scrape next to her eye. I quickly rushed her into the kitchen and got a bag of ice to put on it. This little girl has some pain tolerance because once I was finished with the bag of ice, all she wanted to do was play with it, and didn't even seem to notice her eye anymore. Before she went to bed that night she had a huge bump, but this is what we found the next morning. Anyway, here is the evidence of her first Black eye!! Poor baby!
Here she is brushing her teeth, well at least trying to!
Here it is again, poor baby!!

1 comment:

Katelyn said...

She is still so cute! Hope things are healing up