Monday, December 21, 2009

Just in case I missed a few of you this year (and I apologize, but hey it happens!), here is our christmas letter. I will have to add the picture later, Blogger is being silly and won't let me add it correctly. But this is better than nothing! Hope you all enjoy!

“Top 10 Reasons why Christmas will be different for the Evans’ Family this year”

10. Rob will for sure be home for Christmas since he got the new job as Wing Executive in June.

9. Madison will get to enjoy all the lights, music, presents, and of course Santa.

8. The three dogs, Maggie, Brodie, and Daisy, will get to spend lots of cuddle time with Jenna since she has a nice long winter break.

7. The whole family has a lot to be thankful for this Christmas, Jenna and Rob both have good, stable jobs, we got to do lots of fun stuff this year, like ride Horses at Aunt Gayle’s in Virginia, Jenna got to tour Washington DC, and we will be surrounded by great food and wonderful family.

6. The family will be thinking about all the soldiers overseas, especially one, Rob’s Brother John. We will be praying for safety to all those overseas and safe returns for all of them.

5. Jenna and Rob have made lots of great new friends this year, thanks to sorority, church, and their jobs. They have lots of friends to surround themselves with all year long, let alone on Christmas.

4. Aunt Carrie’s Kitchen remodel is finally done!!! It was a lot of work, and a lot of time, but it was all well worth it! Now Madison gets the chance to make a mess of her kitchen too!

3. Cousin Bailey and Madison go to Daycare everyday together, and their parents are so thankful for the loving caring support that we get at daycare, and of course for all the fun and friends we have.

2. Madison is walking, and running, and terrorizing everything, which means that come Christmas, there will be so many pieces of paper to play with, and string from one of the house to the other, let alone the great picture opportunities that will make.

1. The number one reason Christmas will be different in the Evans’ Household this year, because this is Madison’s last Christmas as an only child, next year she will have a younger brother or sister, since Jenna is due in July!!! (Not to mention the younger cousin she will also have, since Jenna’s sister, Sara is due in March!)

Merry Christmas from the Evans’ Household.
Hope you all have a wonderful and safe Holiday season!

1 comment:

momto2boys said...

WOW! Congrats!! Sounds like you have lots of excitement!! :)