Wednesday, April 14, 2010

It's been way too long

Ok So I know it has been way too long since I last posted. There has been a lot going on since the last time I posted, so here we go.

My sister Sara and her husband Shane and their second baby girl on March 19th, she was 7 lbs, 14 oz., 21.25 inches long. She is a healthy baby girl, and Bailey is adjusting well. Here are some cute pictures. of the them.

When we first took Bailey up to see Mom, Dad, and new sister Sydney, we were only there for about 15 minutes, when Bailey looked at me and said "Aunt Jenna, I'm done with baby, let's go, come on, let's go" She then proceeded to drag me out of the hospital, which is very uncharacteristic for Bailey because she is attached to Mom and Dad. It was so funny, I still laugh about it. Bailey has really adjusted well, and mom and baby are both doing great, just relaxing and spending time getting to know one another.

In the meantime, we have found out what we are having! Yup we are having a boy! Everyone who sees me says they can tell, just by how i am carrying him, apparently, he is all out front. I am already huge, and still have a little under 13 weeks left, so looks to be a big pregnancy again! However the baby is doing great and growing well. We still haven't picked out a name for the baby yet, but hopefully soon we will decide on something, thank god we still have time. The middle name will be Chapman, after his daddy, but if you have any suggestions for the first name, please feel free to leave them, we're open to just about anything.

Now that I am approaching the last leg of this pregnancy, we are really trying to spend quality time with Miss Madison and really enjoy this one on one time that we do have together. She has grown to be such a cute little girl, and I honestly couldn't imagine a day going by with out hearing her loud and constant voice, along with her beautiful laugh. Attached are a couple of pictures of Madison, one is of her in her new swimsuit, we took her and Bailey swimming not long ago and this is the attitude we got from her. She just loves to put her hands on her hips and show off. The other is Easter Morning, we got the cutest dress for her, and she just loved being a little girl! Hope you all enjoy. I have a ton of other pictures to download, and maybe someday I will get those posted, but it could be a while.

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