Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Power of Goals

It's always a good thing to set goals for yourself, it's even better to put them down in writing an then that way you are held accountable. Thus being said, I am writing my blogging goals down on here, so that maybe you all can hold me accountable, because apparently I just suck at this blog thing. So here are my blogging goals:

  1. Post more often - At least once a week! This really is more relevant. We just found out that we are moving to California in January, so I will no longer be living in the same town as my sisters, and much, much farther away from the rest of my family, therefore it's a good time to start a habit of posting more regularly, so that all my friends and family can see what we've been up to.
  2. Take more pictures: I am horrible at taking pictures. With Madison I had taken 200 pictures by the time she was 2 weeks I haven't taken that many and Conner is already 8 weeks, I feel like such a slacker.
  3. Link my new posts to Facebook etc. Especially when I am posting about good recipes, great deals, etc.

    Ok so these are my goals, please hold me accountable!

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