Thursday, September 9, 2010

busy, busy, busy!

Well in the past couple of weeks we have been super busy. Since we found out that we are moving in January to California we are really trying to clean up, clean out, and organize to make it easier. We came back from a mini vacation back home and have been doing so much, here is a little bit of what we've done.
  • Cleaned out our storage unit and moved all that stuff to our garage. We decided it would be easier to do this now during the nice weather, rather than trying to do it during the freezing weather. Unfortunately now I can't park in the garage, but it's only a few months.
  • Deep cleaned the kitchen and pantry. By deep clean, I mean deep clean, I cleaned everything from head to do, the refridgerator, over, microwave, cabinets, countertops, and sink are sparkling. I also threw about 4 bags of expired food away! What a waste I know, but we can't take it with us either.
  • Packed up all my clothes that don't fit! Which sadly enough is a lot. I know I just had a kid and all, but it is still depressing how many clothes don't fit. However I don't believe in throwing them out, someday I will fit back into them. When I did this, I cleaned out all the closets, dressers and such too. It feels so good to clean, purge, and give stuff away that we aren't using.
  • Cleaned out the bathrooms. Do you realize how much you acquire in a bathroom, different products and such, it was crazy. But feels good to have them cleaned though.

I only have a few things left to really clean, like the desk area, which I am procrastinating on, but I have to get it done before I go back to work in a week. It does feel so good to have it all done before I go back to work though!

I also finally got all of my thank you notes written for after Conner was born. I know what a slacker, but we had a ton going on after he was born, and now it's finally done, wahoo!

Attached are a couple of pictures of my beautiful boy, couldn't resist taking some pictures of his smiling face!

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