Friday, January 4, 2013

I hate being a girl

I hate being a girl sometimes!! I'm sure you all know exactly where this post is going, emotions, all the dang emotions, which turn into over thinking, which turn into even more emotions. If you're stuck in this same rut, raise your hand. So did you raise your hand? If you didn't then you're one of two things, a guy, or lying to yourself!!!

Yesterday I felt so free for taking on this venture, then I received many emails, texts, calls etc, about my initial post, and guess what the emotions came flooding in. Mostly Guilt, I felt guilty for baring my soul to you all. I didn't do this to have one GIANT Jenna pity party!!! But I can tell you that every one of those texts, messages, etc made me cry, not a bad cry, a good (and much needed) cry!! You all are too dang sweet and I can't believe I have this much support, from some of my best friends, to ones I barely know. You all are awesome, and I am sure I would not be able to do this without you all!!

On that note, I wanted to pep it up with a bit of thanks!! You want to know what I am most thankful for, the fact that I will be doing this journey with many special Ladies whose husbands are also deploying. They are awesome wonderful ladies who have kiddos the same ages and I see on a regular basis. I am thankful that on the mom's night out we get once a month, we will get to go grab dinner together and chat about how we're doing!! I am thankful that on of my husband's co-workers will be going with my husband, same time, same place, same job. I am thankful that I have so many awesomely, wonderful people in my life!!! To these ladies (or anybody else out there going through crazy times) repeat this mantra, something I totally believe in. "I will be OK, I am a strong person who will be OK. At the end of everyday, whether my house is a mess or whether it is spotless, I will be OK!!" And yes I do know that I will be OK, but that doesn't mean I won't have some crazy and fierce emotions along the way.

I heard this awesome song the other day and want to share it with you all. I heard it on Wednesday, downloaded it on Thursday, and by Thursday night even my daughter knew the words. And here's the kicker, even my husband loved it!!! This is a rarity in my house I tell you. I think it is a song that we can all relate too, and the beat is awesome and certainly a pick me up!! I just love it.

Here it is Bruises by Train with Ashley Monroe (of Pistol Annie's)

Hope you all love it as much as I do, I know we've all got "Bruises" and they do make for better conversations!!

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