Sunday, April 20, 2008

Dining Out

About a month ago we attended the 321 Dining Out. I had never been so I was pretty excited about the whole thing. It was a lot of fun, and I quickly came to realize that the Air Force is just one big Fraternity, how fun that we get to be a part of that for the next 15 years!! Anyway, there was a photographer there, and we got our pictures taken, as much as I detest the photo, it is still pretty cute, and my Hubby couldn't look any better in his Mess Dress, I on the other hand look a tad bit swollen, but that comes and goes!

We sure did have a busy weekend, our grass hasn't done well since we moved into our house, so Robbie took it upon himself to replace the sod all by his lonesome this weekend. He started at about 6:30 am and finally got done about 8 last night. We still have to get rock to put on the side of the house, as well as around the outer perimeter, but that's a task for next weekend. Hope everyone had a great weekend and is ready for another long week.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

welcome to the wide world of blogging! It has been much harder than I anticipated keeping up on things, so hopefully you do a much better job than me. I even have bits of time here and there to do it, but find other things to do to waste my time.
About the whole sodding issue, Bob told David that he was going to invite him to help, so David really was just waiting for the call. Seriously, tell him to give David a call for the rocks and then that way, Braylon and I can come over and hang out!

I hope you are still hanging in there. Talk to you soon,
