Saturday, September 27, 2008

Just the kid

We haven't been up to much lately, just a lot of work. I am taking off this weekend to take Maddie home for the week. I have a conference in Sheridan, so Maddie gets to spend the week with Grandme Carol, Grandpa Howard, and Grandma Susie. I am sure she is excited as are the grandparents. I am a little anxious, but I think every mom is when they leave their kids, even when it is the people you trust most in the world. Robbie is excited to get a week's worth of good sleep, which I can't blame him at all. I'm hoping to have more pictures after the week, but we will see, I always seem to just plain forget to take pictures. But until then, here are a few.
This is one of my favorites, she sat on Daddy's lap for quite a few minutes just staring at him, it was so adorable. She hadn't seen much of him, cause he was out on alert so much, so she was obviously thrilled to be sitting on his lap.
Here is Maddie and Aunt Carrie, she just loves her.
And of course Maddie just playing, happy as always!!


momto2boys said...

Love the new pics!

Kim and Matt said...

She is too darn cute guys!!! I hope to be checking blogs more often but we'll see!!