Saturday, November 1, 2008

Corn Maze, Halloween and More

So even though my baby girl is a little shy of six months old, it seems that she has just gotten so big lately. Here is a picture of my baby holding her own bottle, this is a blessing!

Yesterday was Halloween and the girls (Bailey & Madison) had a great time at daycare, they had a big party and all the kids were so adorable. Madison was Belle, and Bailey was a Ladybug, look how adorable they are.
Here is a picture of the cake that we all made for the daycare. The Frosting was a bit too runny, but other than that it turned out great, and let's be honest, it was cake, the kids loved it!

Here is Madison a little too excited. I can't believe I actually go the picture taken of her looking like this.

Here are the girls at Daycare with their teachers, Merilee, Wendy and Hope. They were all so cute, and had such a great time.

Last weekend we took a trip down to the cornmaze, and needless to say it was quite the trip. The cornmaze was awesome, however Robbie was on alert so it was just me carrying Miss Priss, so needless to say the next morning my back was killing me. However the girls love being outside so they had a blast. Afterwards we went and ate at Roma's one of Carrie's favorite restaurants in Greeley. This was quite the experience and honeslty I am surprised we didn't get kicked out. The kids were super loud, we were obnoxious, and above all else Bailey spilled Sara's pop on her, then Shane was trying to help and knocked his tea on her as well. Thank god the food was good, and yes we left a dang good tip.

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